WNED PBS Kid Fest Goes Virtual This Year

March 9, 2021
Media Contact: Dallas Taylor
Content Associate, Corporate Communications
(716) 845.7000 x192• dtaylor@wned.org
Kid Fest has gone virtual this year and tickets are available beginning Tuesday, April 6 at 10 am and through May 9. Enjoy a family-filled virtual experience with Kid Fest at Home!
Your virtual ticket to Kid Fest at Home will get you access to over two hours of entertaining and educational videos and activities. Thanks to Harper Collins Canada, Tundra Books, and Dansations, enjoy on-demand videos featuring Toronto Zoo, Nick Presents Magic, ChopChop Family cooking demonstrations, BeeBop the Clown, Reading with Clifford, theater, arts and crafts, and more!
Western New York residents have the additional opportunity of purchasing a virtual ticket with a Kid Fest kit. This kit has activities, craft supplies, PBS Kids swag, coupons, and more for two children. The kits will be delivered to your Western New York home.
Unfortunately, we are unable to offer the kits to those outside of Western New York.
For tickets and information, click here.
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