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Sneha - Share Your Story

I never, ever thought I would come to Buffalo! I mean, there were times when I thought I shall visit US and see New York City and San Francisco and all those big cities and try all the fancy restaurants. Life had other plans.

My husband found a job here and we made Buffalo our home in 2013. Honestly, I was very anxious initially. Now, I am so glad I got this chance. The summers and the winters--which are cold yes, but are absolutely gorgeous.

It seems like yesterday but time has gone by fast. I have to say, the diverse variety of food that I have enjoyed here is authentic, delicious and served with so much love. The city gave my husband and me our first home, first jobs in US and a life we are grateful for.

Amherst, NY

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Making Buffalo Home is a two-year, in-depth Buffalo Toronto Public Media engagement initiative to inform and raise awareness of immigration for our entire community. The project aims to help the region develop a better understanding of the shared opportunities and challenges we face together as long-time residents and new immigrants and refugees.

Making Buffalo Home is funded by Rich Products Corporation and Rich Family Foundation.