Afghan seamstress sparks Stitch Buffalo face mask project
WBFO’s Kyle Mackie reports on how an Afghan couple sparked a business venture that’s making face masks and generating income for refugee women.
WBFO’s Kyle Mackie reports on how an Afghan couple sparked a business venture that’s making face masks and generating income for refugee women.
Buffalo's West Side is filled with people from everywhere, speaking languages from other countries and with an understanding of the world beyond most of us . . .
From the midpoint of the 19th century to the present day, the Irish community and Buffalo have become inseparable from each other. . .
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Two UB students are spending their winter break volunteering at a remote school in Nepal. For Pemba Sherpa and Hemanta Adhikari, it’s a homecoming 10 years in the making.
WBFO's Kyle Mackie reports on what new immigration policies mean for Buffalo and Western New York.
Nusantara Arts, formerly known as the Buffalo Gamelan Club, will be performing a show at the Buffalo Museum of Science in front of Indonesian artifacts and artwork.
A group of Buffalo Public Schools students singing in English, Spanish and Swahili premiered a music video Wednesday of an original song they wrote and recorded.
Erie County Executive Mark Poloncarz is sending a clear message to the Trump administration: Send more refugees here.
Older refugees in Buffalo face challenges that younger refugees circumvent. Although services are prolific for this community, they are not always as accessible.
Buffalo's popular West Side Bazaar, an incubator for immigrant and refugee-run businesses, is moving from its current home on Grant Street to a larger space on Niagara Street.
As WBFO's Kyle Mackie reports, one group of Karen teenagers who came to Buffalo from Thailand are spending their summer working at an urban farm on the city’s West Side.
At this picnic in Martin Luther King Jr. Park many women were in hijabs, the hot dogs were halal and the books on sale were English translations of the Koran.
Jericho Road Community Health Center provided an update about how the Vive Shelter on Buffalo’s East Side is coping with the influx of nearly 100 new Congolese asylum seekers.
Grant Street -- a Buffalo that would have been unthinkable a couple of generations ago: women dressed in head-to-toe robes, children speaking a Babel of languages.
Buffalo's latest group of immigrants has arrived. One-hundred refugees from Democratic Republic of the Congo are here to seek asylum in the United States.
In Buffalo, a local organization continues to serve as a beacon of hope for individuals and families fleeing war-torn and unstable nations.
Somewhere between 1,500 and 2,000 people study English through the district’s adult education division every year, and they come from all over the world.
The International Institute of Buffalo held a naturalization ceremony Wednesday in conjunction with World Refugee Day.
With a combination of guest artists, Indonesian immigrants and Buffalo-born residents, Buffalo Gamelan Club put on a four-hour show at Kleinhans Music Hall.
Stephan Lewy and his Jewish family were able to flee that nation just after Kristallnacht in 1938, but he eventually returned to Europe as part of the U.S. Army.
As part of Buffalo Toronto Public Media's Making Buffalo Home project, this video features Aung Myat Thu, one of several former Burmese political prisoners who now call Buffalo, NY home and were willing to add their hands to Htein Lin's growing exhibit "A Show of Hands."
The Albright-Knox Art Gallery is hosting an exhibit created by a Burmese artist who, along with hundreds of subjects he has met through his project, are former political prisoners.
Dr. Peilun Vicky Chang has played pipe organ at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church for 16 years now. The internationally renowned musician and composer has come a long way.
As WBFO's Chris Caya reports, a local company is not only employing refugees, it's also helping them learn English.
Sophie Knab tells the story of her mother and other Polish women who were taken from their families and their country and sent away to forced labor camps in Nazi Germany.
The debate over immigration reveals a wide divide in the national conversation. While some argue foreign-born workers are taking American jobs, others cite economic numbers disput
Buffalo immigrants and refugees gathered in front of the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library this weekend to share their stories of arrivals and departures through art.
A diverse group of young women is learning about computer coding. WBFO's senior reporter Eileen Buckley says it's a program designed for immigrant and refugee students.
Artist Muhammad Zaman brightens Buffalo’s East Side
It’s been a long journey for Pausa Art House co-owner Lazara Martinez who grew up in Cuba before coming to America. Now, her live music venue has become a hot spot for touring.
A language specialist in the Buffalo Public school district says the biggest challenge for refugee students is communicating with their fellow classmates.
A former refugee from Russia is teaching immigrant and refugee adults English. WBFO's senior reporter Eileen Buckley said she is one of the teachers at the Buffalo Public Schools.
With the United States dealing with what many call an immigration crisis, a church in Buffalo is making an artistic statement on the divisive issue.
Some of the most daunting tasks they face at the start of their new lives involve performing routine tasks.
Buffalo Public Schools have added so many immigrants to the student population, the district now has 84 languages spoken in the hallways and 125 teachers have been added.
New students from other countries continue to arrive in Buffalo. WBFO's senior reporter Eileen Buckley spoke with some refugee teenagers, now attending Lafayette International.
If you want to see how refugees are changing Buffalo, N.Y., the West Side Bazaar is a good place to start. It's an incubator for immigrant-owned businesses.
More than 100-educators from across the eight counties of Western New York gathered at the Teaching to Change the World Conference.
Dr. Shibly, a native of Syria, has previously teamed with colleagues in the program Miles for Smiles to provide care to refugees and others affected by violence.
The conversation touched upon a number of subjects, though the centerpiece highlighted Buffalo's long relationship with immigration.
How do immigrants really affect the U.S. economy? Ethan Lewis, a labor economist at Dartmouth College, cuts through the rhetoric in a conversation with NPR's Steve Inskeep.
Making Buffalo Home is a two-year, in-depth Buffalo Toronto Public Media engagement initiative to inform and raise awareness of immigration for our entire community. The project aims to help the region develop a better understanding of the shared opportunities and challenges we face together as long-time residents and new immigrants and refugees.
Making Buffalo Home is funded by Rich Products Corporation and Rich Family Foundation.