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WNED Classical Live On Stage! Presents: The Friends of Harmony

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Please join us for a wonderful evening when the Friends Of Harmony perform. Under the direction of Brett Ransom, The Friends of Harmony Barbershop Chorus & Quartets specialize in a cappella, four-part harmony in barbershop style, a true American art form. Our program will include show tunes, doo wop, stirring love ballads, rousing up-tunes, and of course, all those traditional barbershop songs reminiscent of the early 20th Century. Light refreshments will be served.

This is a free event, however, you must register to attend. Parking is free in our gated lot.

Register to Attend

Tuesday, November 12 at 7pm (Doors open at 6:30pm)

Buffalo Toronto Public Media

BTPM Performance Space 

140 Lower Terrace 

Downtown Buffalo

Free Parking | 140 Lower Terrace

Buffalo Toronto Public Media is conveniently located in downtown Buffalo at 140 Lower Terrace, near the I-190. The entrance to our parking lot is on Charles Street (also known as "Mark Russell Alley").

Meet the Performers

The Friends of Harmony is an a cappella barbershop chorus from the Buffalo area founded in 1983 through a union of the East Aurora and Amherst, NY chapters. Since our inception, we have strived to provide the finest in a cappella entertainment in Western New York.

Our director, Brett Ransom, brings years of choral directing and performing experience with the Red Blazer Men's Chorus and has quickly established himself as a well-respected leader in the barbershop style of singing. Under Brett's direction, the chorus recently achieved its highest score in competition in more than fourteen years and finished in second place among the top ten choruses in our district. Our award-winning chorus has represented the Seneca Land District at Barbershop Harmony Society international competitions many times over the past forty years.

Through our focus on the Barbershop style of a cappella chorus and quartet singing, we provide educational, musical, charitable, and administrative opportunities to our membership. We maintain an enjoyable and supportive atmosphere, well-suited for people of all backgrounds and good musical singing ability. Our members provide a strong talent base enabling an active performance schedule and a successful competition status within our Society.

We hail primarily from the City of Buffalo and its suburbs and perform all over Western New York. We consist of male and female singers of all ages with varied musical abilities. For more information, our website is We are also on Facebook under the name Friends of Harmony.

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Jim Chamberlain

Thomas Eng

Ryan Fish

Tim Luck

Ed Lyons

Al Meslinsky

Frank O'Hara

Glenn Tanner

Mike Woods


Art Haseley

Kevin Koczka

Teri Ritz

Lucas Smith


Dave Lawson

Noah Webster


Adam English

Barrett Greene

Pete Hart, Assistant Director

Mike Honeyman

Frank Tesseyman

Dick Wagner

Director: Brett Ransom