APPS & More!
Find apps, e-books and albums and extras by PBS KIDS, including the PBS KIDS Video, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Collection, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Pack, and many more.
Find apps, e-books and albums and extras by PBS KIDS, including the PBS KIDS Video, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Collection, Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Pack, and many more.
Play games with your PBS KIDS favorites like Curious George, Wild Kratts, Daniel Tiger and Peg + Cat! Games are grouped by New, Popular, Science, Math, Dog Games, and many more!
Click LIVE TV to stream the PBS KIDS 24/7 service right now, or select your favorite PBS KIDS show to watch or play games.
activities and educational resources you and your child can do together
The Reading Rainbow Stories collection is now available on YouTube, ReadingRainbow.org, and PBS LearningMedia! Watch stories from the original series you know and love with a stunning, high-definition, new look.
We invite you to watch and listen as cherished books are read. On PBS LearningMedia you'll find accompanying activities are theme-based, stemming from the featured book, and may include questions for discussion, art projects, or writing prompts. And ReadingRainbow.org you'll find family activities!
Gather the gang for Family Night, weekly family viewing events featuring movie specials or themed programming. Watch, play and learn with your favorite PBS KIDS characters every Friday from 7 to 9pm and repeating on Saturday and Sunday evenings on the WNED PBS KIDS channel
Join Arthur creator Marc Brown in a very special reading of his book, "Arthur's Pet Business!"
Create beautiful dragonflies using objects you can find on a nature walk.
Join Molly and her friends and discover what life is like for a kid on big adventures in Alaska!