Camp TV
Welcome to Camp TV, a summer day camp experience for kids ages 5-10 in your living room!
Welcome to Camp TV, a summer day camp experience for kids ages 5-10 in your living room!
Pre-K - Grade 3
Resources to support families and educators of young children asthey talk, watch, read, and learn about race and racism.
Pre-K - Grade 3
Use this calendar to try a different PBS KIDS activity every day.
Pre-K - Grade 3
Use these suggestions to create strong daily habits for you and your child. By creating a daily routine, you can use different parts of your day as learning opportunities.
Pre-K - Grade 3
We created these PBS KIDS Conversation cards to help families talk about what they are watching on PBS KIDS!
Pre-K - Grade 3
Be picky about what kinds of TV shows, video games, apps, music and movies that young kids use, play, listen and watch.
Pre-K - Grade 3
Keep up the learning at home by downloading these fun printables. Watch WNED PBS KIDS and use these cut-outs to help your child with comprehension.
Pre-K - Grade 3
Fill your home with letters, sounds and word fun with these 9 early literacy activities from PBS Parents.
Pre-K - Grade 3
Who says learning math has to be a chore? These tips from PBS Parents make it easy and fun to add more math to your family’s routine.
Pre-K - Grade 3
Science is so much more than a set of concepts about the world around us – it’s creative, dynamic and fun! Unleash your child’s inner Einstein with hands-on activities that are sur
Pre-K - Grade 3
Unleash your child’s inner artist with this series of fun videos. From Sunspot to Luna, get the creative juices flowing with tutorials on drawing your favorite PBS KIDS characters.
Pre-K - Grade 3
Learn about music and play games with your favorite PBS KIDS characters like Elmo, Arthur, the Cat in the Hat and Daniel Tiger!
PBs Parents
To encourage conversations about race and diversity with your children, check out this list of books to read together as a family.
Is your child's school closed due to coronavirus concerns? PBS KIDS' new weekday newsletter offer activities and tips you can use to help kids play and learn at home.
Explore parent resources to help you raise kind, curious and resilient children.
Educational games and videos from Curious George, Wild Kratts and other favorite PBS KIDS shows!
Watch your favorite shows on the 24/7 Live-TV stream!
Sesame Street
Explore content you can use all day long to spark playful learning, offer children comfort, and focus a bit on yourself, too.
Welcome to Mondays with Michelle Obama! Join Michelle in a reading of one of her favorite children’s books, “The Gruffalo" by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler.
Our education colleagues at PBS station WCNY in Syracuse have been working with classroom teachers to provide students with instructional videos filmed with area educators. WCNY’s TV Classroom allows children to continue to connect with real teachers and have the continuity of a classroom experience at home. While some of the curriculum may differ slightly from Western New York curriculum, we feel that the overall learning concepts remain the same.
Ms. Johnson and Ms. Sojewicz coach students on the basics of words and phonetics.
Ms. Johnson and Ms. Sojewicz continue to assist students with the basics of words and phonetics, including rhyming.
Reading 103: Fun with phonics, words, and sounds - Phonics review: /ch/ and /sh, tricky words, and nursery rhyme recitation.
Reading 104: Fun with phonics, words, and sounds - Phonics focus: unvoiced /th/, short vowel sounds, and nursery rhyme recitation.
Reading 105: Fun with phonics, words, and sounds - Phonics focus: voiced /th/, handwriting practice, and nursery rhyme recitation
Rhonda Zajac reads Last Stop on Market Street and Yard Sale
Mrs. Franz reads My Best Friend by Mary Rodman and The Quickest Kid in Clarksville by Pat Zietlow Miller aloud, and provides thought-provoking prompts throughout.
Mrs. Zajac reads Pecan Pie Baby by Jacqueline Woodson and Big Red Lollipop by Rukhsana Khan aloud, and provides thought-provoking prompts throughout.
Mrs. Zajac reads Happy Like Soccer by Maribeth Boelts and Jabari Jumps by Gaia Cornwall aloud, and provides thought-provoking prompts throughout.
Mrs. Franz reads the anthology The Hero Next Door aloud, and provides thought-provoking prompts throughout.
Mrs. Franz reads I Wanna Iguana by Karen Kaufman Orloff and One Word from Sophia by Jim Averbeck aloud, and provides thought-provoking prompts throughout.
Mrs. Franz reads Jamaica's Find by Juanita Havill and Ruthie and the (Not So) Teeny Tiny Lie by Laura Rankin aloud, and provides thought-provoking prompts throughout.
Mr. Lochner reads Amazing Grace, as well as Boundless Grace by Mary Hoffman aloud, and provides thought-provoking prompts throughout.
Mrs. Zajac reads A Friend for Mole by Nancy Armo aloud, and provides thought-provoking prompts throughout.
Dual Language Storytime - Mrs. Thurn and Mrs. McKenney read Lola by Junot Díaz and Alma and How She Got Her Name by Juana Martinez-Neal aloud.
Storytime 111: Professor George reads: Stephanie's Ponytail and Wings.
Storytime 112: Dual Language - Books read: La Mejor Mascota (Spanish) and I Wanna Iguana (English).
Mrs. Corey reminds students of ways to stay active and heart healthy at home.
Elementary Social Studies 102: The American Flag for Elementary Students.
Elementary Social Studies 103: Geography for Elementary Students.
Elementary Social Studies 104: Government for Elementary Students (Featuring the story: Grace Goes to Washington).