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Stratton Rawson

Music Director and Afternoon Host

Stratton Rawson grew up in the Hudson Valley of New York State midway between the Hudson River and the Appalachian Trail in the shadow of some the oldest mountains on earth.

Stratton took up the cello at an early age in an attempt to drive his brothers crazy. He very nearly succeeded. As an adult Stratton’s bright passions forever paled after four years at SUNY Albany, a year of work for the Chancellor of SUNY, two years at the University of Wyoming and another four years--this time at SUNY Buffalo--in the shades of academe. The next decade and a half he spent making feature films on a home video budget. Amazingly, some of the films have made it to home video and are available at your local video outlet. And for the last decade or so, Stratton has been at WNED Classical, where he can indulge his lifelong interest in great music and good talk.


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