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The Question Before Us
The Question Before Us

Series of six one hour programs featuring prominent people debating the hot topics of today. Debates were taped before a live audience in Toronto, Ontario Canada. Episodes include: Global Refugee Crisis, Progress, The Rise of Populism, Capitalism, Gender in the 21st Century, and Religion. Debaters include: Stephen K Bannon, David Frum, David Brooks, Yanis Varoufakis, Tony Blair and Caille Paglia.


Mondays at 10pm


The Question Before Us | Global Refugee Crisis | October 5

The Global Refugee Crisis

Be it resolved, give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

Debaters: Pro/Louise Arbor & Simon Schama Con/Nigel Farage & Mark Steyn

(from April 2016)

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The Question Before Us | Progress | October 12


Be it resolved, humankind’s best days lie ahead.

Debaters: Pro/Steven Pinker & Matt Ridley Con/Alain de Botton & Malcolm Gladwell

(from November 2015)

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The Question Before Us | The Rise of Populism | October 19

The Rise of Populism

Be it resolved, the future of western politics is populist not liberal.

Debates: Pro/Stephen K. Bannon Con/David Frum

(from November 2018)

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The Question Before Us | Capitalism | November 9


Be it resolved, the capitalist system is broken. It's time to try something different.

Debaters: Pro/Katrina vanden Heuvel & Yanis Varoufakis Con/ Arthur Brooks & David Brooks.

(from December 2019)

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The Question Before Us | Gender in the 21st Century | November 16

Gender in the 21st Century

Be it resolved, men are obsolete…Pro/Hanna Rosin & Maureen Dowd Con/Caitlin Moran & Camille Paglia

(from November 2013)

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The Question Before Us | Religion | November 23


Be it resolved, religion is a force for good in the world...

Debaters: Pro/Tony Blair Con/Christopher Hitchens

(from November 2010)


The Question Before Us | Preview

Series of six programs featuring prominent people debating the hot topics of today.

The Question Before Us
1 / 7 Videos
The Question Before Us | Preview
The Question Before Us
The Question Before Us | Preview
Global Refugee Crisis | Episode 1
The Question Before Us
Global Refugee Crisis | Episode 1
Progress | Episode 2
The Question Before Us
Progress | Episode 2
The Rise of Populism | Episode 3
The Question Before Us
The Rise of Populism | Episode 3
Capitalism | Episode 4
The Question Before Us
Capitalism | Episode 4
Gender in the 21st Century | Episode 5
The Question Before Us
Gender in the 21st Century | Episode 5
Religion | Episode 6
The Question Before Us
Religion | Episode 6